Supervisor Retreat Survey 2

Your feedback is very valuable. Please complete this brief survey about your Supervisor Retreat experience.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree Nor Agree


Strongly Agree
The Supervisor Retreat was well organized.
The activites/information kept me engaged during the retreat.
The amount of time allotted for the Supervisor Retreat was sufficient.
Please rate the level of benefit for each topic:

Very beneficial

Somewhat beneficial

Neither beneficial or unbeneficial

Somewhat unbeneficial

Very unbeneficial
Employee Recognition
Time Management /Handling Employees
Team Communication
Interviewing Tips
New Financial Counseling Process
Adjusting to Change/Redirecting Negativity

* What are your thoughts/feedback on how retreat topics were selected?

* Do you like having the supervisors suggest topics and provide the presentations?

* What information was most useful from the retreat?

* What content/topics would you like to see in future Supervisor Retreats?