Float Pool Survey 2010
1. How many years have you worked in the Float Pool?
2. Are you part of the Critical Care Float Pool? (if No, skip to question 4)
3. How many years have you worked in the Critical Care Float Pool?
4. How many years have you worked at CMH?
5. If you worked at CMH before coming to the Float Pool, on which unit(s) did you work?
6. If you worked somewhere else before coming to CMH, in what area(s) of nursing did you work? (please specify)
7. Are you an RN or a CA/SNT? (if CA/SNT skip to question 14)
8. How many years have you worked as an RN?
9. Are you certified? (in No, skip to question 11)
11. Are you participating in the ADVANCE Clinical Ladder? (if No, skip to question 14) (if Applying for the First Time, skip to question 13)
12. If so, what level do you hold?
13. For which level of the ADVANCE Clinical Ladder are you applying?
14. Do you participate in Hospital or Department Committees? (if No, skip to question 16)
15. If so, in which committee(s) do you participate? (please specify)
16. Do you teach any courses? (if No, skip to question 18)
17. If so, which courses do you teach?
18. Are you currently in school? (if No, skip to question 20)
19. If so, what are you studying/what degree are you pursuing?
20. Do you precept students &/or new hires? (if No, skip to question 22)
21. If so, how many hours a year do you precept?
22. Were you working at CMH in the Float Pool during PHRED go-live (April – July 2008)? (if No, skip to question 24)
23. If so, were you a PHRED superuser?
24. What do you like most about being in the Float Pool?
25. What would you like to change about the Float Pool?
26. Age
27. Sex
28. Highest Nursing Degree