2010 CMH Facilities Census

We are building a space database to help us manage our space even more effectively. Please take a moment to fill out the form below so that we can verify space usage.

If you have any questions, please call Holland Evans at: (816) 855-1727 or send an email to: hevans@cmh.edu

Please submit by: Wednesday July 28th 2010

If you are having any problems with the questions, ie. are uncertain of a cost center or a room number, you can type in any description in the field.

* Required

* Name
Last, First

* Building
Please select the building in which you are located.

* Room Number
Please enter the six digit/six digit + letter room number, or number on your door where you are located. If you are in a cubicle just provide the room in which youre cubicle is located. If you are somewhere else just put in a description of where you are.

* Department
Please enter your department.

* Cost Center
Please enter the six digit cost center number (If you look yourself up in the Scope directory, and click on full profile your cost center is listed underneath your department).