Angelina Grillot - 90 Day Performance Evaluation

Angelina provides great customer care and always puts the patient at the center of her focus

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina works to build trust and demonstrate commitment to team members

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina fosters collaboration among team members

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina successfully plans and organizes her tasks, meetings, responsibilities, etc.

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina searches for opportunities to change, improve, and innovate

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina makes timely, thoughtful decisions that include input from others

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Angelina models both urgency and flexibility when completing tasks/projects

Exceeds my expectations  
Meets my expectations  
Does not meet my expectations  

Please give any other feedback you feel is pertinent to Angelina's evaluation including areas of excellence, as well as areas of potential improvement. Also, please elaborate on any "Does not meet my expectations" checked above.