CSA End of Season Survey

1. Why did you participate in the CSA Program this year?
(Please check all that apply.)

To try new things  
To support local famers  
To save money on groceries  
To eat healthier foods  
Enjoyed the experience last year  
Other (please specify)
2. How satisfied are you with the food products? Rate each aspect of the program on a scale of 1 (unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).



Very Satisfied
The QUALITY of food products
The QUANTITY of food products
The VARIETY of products within 1 week’s delivery
The VARIETY of products over the course of the season

3. If you had not participated in the CSA program, then would you have had access to these locally produced items at your local grocery store?

Yes, all of the items are available
Yes, some of the items are available
I am not sure
No, these locally produced items are not available at my grocery store

4. How have your eating habits changed while participating in the CSA?

My eating habits have improved
My eating habits have stayed the same
My eating habits have not improved

5. Do you plan to take part in the CSA program next year?

No, I will not participate
No, but I will participate in a CSA at a different location

6. If you are not planning to participate in the CSA next year, can you let us know why? Indicate all that apply.

Selection was not what I needed/desired  
Inconvenient pickup times  
Too costly  
Too much produce to consume before it goes bad  
Other (please specify)

7. Did you enjoy reading the weekly newsletter?

Yes No